10 easy ways to save water and your wallet at the same time.
Want to conserve water and your wallet at the same time? Here are some ways to do just that.
1. Inspect all taps, toilets and hot water systems for leaks. Fix these quickly.
2. Time your showers. Purchase a shower timer so household members are aware of their shower times.
3. Turn the hose off while washing your car. Wash your car on grass.
4. Stop that water running while brushing your teeth.
5. Install dual flush toilets.
6. Ensure you washing machine loads are full for a wash.
7. Stack your dishwasher to ensure maximum load.
8. Wash dishes in a larger load.
9. Purchase water wise products when replacing old items.
10. Book in our Water Efficiency Service and we can test the flow of your taps and ensure they flow at 9 Litres a minute.